Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sonic is 20

The subject I chose for my first ever blog is Sonic the Hedgehog. Today, June 23, 2011, the speedy blue hedgehog turns 20 years old, an uncommon feat for video game characters. Few ever last longer than five years. Just go to the store and you can still find Sonic video games, DVDs, comic books, apparel, and even merchandise. It's no secret among my friends that I'm a dedicated Sonic fan (obsessed might be more like it), however if I were never introduced to Sonic at the impressionable age of 7, I might not have pursued my cartooning talent so early.

I was naturally gifted with the ability to draw but since first playing Sonic 2 in the winter of '93, I had a passionate desire to draw constantly with Sonic as my subject. I drew Sonic and Tails all the time. It only got worse when I bought my first Sonic comic, issue #9, discovered that there was not one but TWO Sonic cartoons, and excitedly awaited the glorious release of Sonic 3. The Sonic mania I was enjoying surely was driving everyone around me crazy. As I matured and continued drawing, I began observing the artists' styles in my comic books, picking up cartooning tricks here and there. Facial expressions, body poses, perspective, compostion, action movement, and even comic panel layouts are some elements I absorbed. The Sonic cartoons on TV fueled my love for 2-D animation and made me appreciate the extraordinary labor and detail required to make an animated episode.

Today, I'm 25 and at the beginning of my own cartooning career. I still draw the blue blur but not with the fervent passion I had as a kid, but drawing Sonic so much helped develop my cartooning skills and taught me early on to be observant of different artistic styles, techniques, and methods. I often find myself applying them in my own comics and cartoons. Would I be the cartoonist I am today if not for Sonic? That's hard to answer, but I wouldn't go back and change it.

So happy 20th birthday, Sonic! I tip my pencil to you ~

1 comment:

  1. Aw my first comment didn't post! :0(

    I am glad you have displayed your work for the world to see! You have a great talent and I hope this is the start of a cartooning career for you! Best of luck to you =D
